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Research Projects

  • EXAN 2019-22
    Acquisition and consolidation of EXpertise in ANesthesia. Development and comparison of various modalities of computer-based training
    LS2N/DUKe (Christine Sinoquet: project promoter and project coordinator)
    Le SiMU (Laboratoire expérimental de simulation en médecine intensive) de Nantes & CHU de Nantes (C. Lejus-Bourdeau)
    Centre de Recherche en Education de Nantes (CREN) (C. Vidal-Gomel)
    LIUM/EIAH (Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Mans) (I. Marfizi)
    CDP (Centre de pédagogie) de l'Université de Nantes (A. Magdelaine)
    Supervision of 2 PhD Students (oct 2019-)

  • LIU 2015
    Coupling a predictive computational proteomic approach and a genetical analysis, for the purpose of improving the quality of association studies
    Interdisciplinary Program of the University of Nantes
    LINA/DUKe (Christine Sinoquet : project promoter)
    Institut du Thorax (J. Mérot)
    UFIP (B. Offman)


  • GRIOTE 2013-2016
    Development of advanced strategies to identify genotype-phenotype association studies
    Regional Bioinformatics Research project
    Co-supervision of 1 PhD Student (2014-2017) with the Institut du Thorax (Nantes, C. Dina) and the University of Lille (G. Rocheleau), funding by Griote (50%), co-funding (50%) by the EGID Labex (Lille)



  • SAMOGWAS 2013-2017

    Specific Advanced graphical MOdels for Genome-Wide Association Studies
    Notification of acceptance 12 june 2013
    ANR Numerical models, 398 942 euros
    Academic partners    
           DUKe (Christine Sinoquet: Project promotor and project coordinator)
           Institut du Thorax
    , INSERM UMR 1087 / CNRS UMR 6291, France, Nantes
           GIGA-R, FNRS / University of Liège, Belgium
           LPMA - UMR 7599, University Pierre et Marie Curie, France, Paris
    Industrial partner
    , Information Technology Development, France, Grenoble
    Supervision of 1 PhD Student (2013-2015), 1 Research Engineer (2015-2016) and 1 service provider (2016-2017)


  • BIL 2007-2011
    Modeling of linkage disequilibrium at genome scale and genome wide association studies, based on probabilistic graphical models
    Regional Bioinformatics Research project

    Co-supervision of 1 PhD Student (2008-2011) with the Institut du Thorax


  • AtlanSTIC 2006-2007

    Modeling of gene regulatory networks and integration of temporal constraints

    Transversal project between two Computer Science Research Laboratories of the AtlanSTIC research group, FR CNRS 2819


    LINA/DUKe (Christine Sinoquet : project promoter and project co-leader)

    IRCCyN/MeForBio (O. Roux : project co-leader, J. Ahmad, J. Fromentin)

    LINA/ComBi (J. Bourdon, D. Eveillard)

    During the period 2006-2007, the supervision of the project has required the organization of 14 coordination and scientific meetings. Besides, 5 meetings were held to coordinate the writing of the final publication from june 2008 to february 2009.


  • CPER /  Ouest Genopole 2005-2006
    Identification and characterization of putative strong promotors in prokaryotic genomes


    LINA (Christine Sinoquet: Project promoter)

    U3B UMR CNRS 6204 "Biotechnology, Biocatalysis and Bioregulation", Biotechnology Laboratory of the University of Nantes (now renamed UFIP (UMR CNRS 6286)), Frédérique Braun)
    Supervision of 1 engineer (april 2005 - september 2006), funding by the CPER State Region program "Post-genomics  and Technological Innovations" (april - december 2005) and Ouest Genopole (now renamed Biogenouest) (january - september 2006)


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